About the Event
Come Bowl with a Pure Heart! Please join us for a day of bowling, fun, music, food, family and friends at Pure Heart Foundation first Bowl with a Pure Heart fundraising event at the Grand Rapids location, scheduled to take place on Saturday, April 29, at Spectrum Lanes. Individual Bowlers, Teams of 5, sponsors and volunteers are welcome to participate in this fun-filled event.
Proceeds will help provide a Holistic After School Program that will provide critical wraparound support to help Scholars thrive and keep the cycle of incarceration from continuing.

Spectrum Lanes

Team/Ticket Sponsorships
The Scholars Champion Title Sponsor:
The Scholars Champion will sponsor Bowl for Pure Heart event. This sponsorship will cover all event expenses.
The Scholar Champion will receive the following:
• One Lane (5 people per lane) + food + drinks
• Team T shirts with Logo (Your team's name will be the scholar's name)
• Logo on all marketing materials
• Website spotlight placement for one year, then after year, featured on our partners page
• Newsletter / Email Blast Highlight
• One page information on all marketing materials
• Social media Spotlight
• Social Media Story Spotlight
• Included in all media coverage/promotion video
• Recognition at Bowl for Pure Heart can give remarks if desired.
• Change the life of all PH scholars
Bowl for a Scholar Corporate Team Sponsor:
(Corporate Business)
The Bowl for a Scholar Corporate Sponsor team will be bowling on behalf of a current PH scholar. This sponsorship will be allocated to directly support the scholar you are bowling on behalf of with one year of services through Pure Heart’s Holistic Model.
As a Scholar Corporate Team Sponsor, you will receive the following:
• One Lane (Select your team of 5 people for lane) + food + drinks
• Team T shirts with business logo(Your team's name will be the scholar's name)
• Your logo on event t shirt and all marketing materials
• Social media and website recognition
• Automatically entered in the bowling competition
• Meet your scholar at bowling event
Community Team Sponsor:
$500 (Small business or Community Organization)
The Community Team Sponsor will be bowling on behalf of a current PH scholar. This sponsorship will be allocated to directly support the scholar you are bowling on behalf of with six months of services through Pure Heart’s Holistic Model.
As a Scholar Community Team Sponsor, you will receive the following:
• One Lane (5 people per lane) + food + drinks
• Team T shirts (Your team's name will be the scholar's name)
• Social media and website recognition
• Automatically entered in the bowling competition
• Meet your scholar at bowling event
• Change the life of a current PH scholar
Individual Bowler/ Donation Sponsorship
Pure Heart General Sponsor:
As a Team Pure Heart sponsor, you will be directly benefiting Pure Heart Holistic Model. All donations received will be allocated in 6 pillars: Mental Health and Wellness, 1:1 Mentoring, Academic Enrichment, Family reunification, Recreational and Arts and The Cycle Breaker Initiative.
As a Pure Heart General Sponsor, you will receive the following:
• Two games + bowling shoes
• Food and Drinks
• Team Pure Heart T Shirt
• Social media and website recognition
• Select the program you want to bowl on behalf of
Supporting Donation:
The Supporting Donation sponsors understand our work and want to support our efforts! The Supporting Donor is someone who may not be able to attend but wants to support or will attend but does not want to bowl. All general donations will be allocated to Pure Heart operations.
This sponsorship will receive the following:
• Social media and website recognition

Pure Heart Grand Rapids
1451 Lake Dr SE, Unit 6752 Grand Rapids, MI 49516
For all event questions, details, and sponsorship opportunities contact
sherellehogan@pureheartfoundation.org or call 616-307-5910